Marta Vilar Rosales is an anthropologist (PhD 2007) and a research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, since 2014. Her main fields of research are material culture and consumption, international migrations and media anthropology. Presently, Marta is PI of TRANSITS: Material Culture, Migration and Everyday Life, an international research project that explores the movements of people and things to and from four cities (Berlin, Lisboa, Luanda and Sidney). She also coordinates at ICS, Ulisboa, the PhD program on Migration Studies. She is the author of several books, chapters and articles which explore the intersections between migration, media and contemporary material culture and consumption practices.

Marta Vilar Rosales is invited to the Centre Norbert Elias by Valeria Siniscalchi as part of the EHESS « Visiting Scholars » programme.



Migration, gender and class in Toronto, Canada. Recipes, cooking routines and social aspirations

Based on an extensive ethnography carried out in Toronto, the conference will explore the social aspirations of upward mobility of a group of Portuguese migrant women. It will explore the topics of class, gender and migration in a social context marked by strong multicultural policies, and examine how a group of Portuguese women use food to materialize their social mobilities aspirations and strategies of belonging.

Mardi 9 mai, 14h-17h salle C, 2e étage, EHESS Marseille
Dans le cadre du séminaire de Valeria Siniscalchi « Anthropologie des économies : expérimentations, mobilisations, alternatives ».

The real Mozambican curry. Transnationalism, daily life and Goan materialities in an African Colony

Based on an extensive ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Lisbon and Mozambique, the conference will explore the original life experiences and positioning strategies of catholic Goans in a colonial and post-colonial setting. It will address this topic through a lens of food and foodways, through which the topics power and class will be addressed

Jeudi 11 mai, 14h-17h salle C, 2e étage, EHESS Marseille
Dans le cadre du séminaire de Giorgio Blundo « Made in ChinAfrica. Anthropologie des circulations de marchandises dans le Sud global ».

Subjective approaches to migration: positioning strategies, cultural diversity, transnationalism, exchanges and resistances

The conference will explore contemporary migration experiences from the point of view of the migrants. It will address the aspirations, idealizations, constraints and potentials involved in migration, as well as the outcomes of the cultural encounters they promote. The diversity of positioning strategies at play by the migrants will be at the core of the discussion.

Lundi 15 mai, 14h-16h salle A, 2e étage, EHESS Marseille
Dans le cadre du séminaire d’Arundhati Virmani « Encounters with social scientists ».

Identity matters. Juggling with domestic materiality and consumption practices in a new setting

The conference will explore migration experiences at the level of everyday domestic life. It will focus on and discuss then potentials of domestic material culture and consumption to objectify identity, appropriate new cultural products and maintain previous links and networks of belonging.

Mardi 22 mai, 14h-17h salle C, 2e étage, EHESS Marseille
Dans le cadre du séminaire d’Arundhati Virmani « Encounters with social scientists ».