EASA annual conference (Belfast, July 26-29 2022): listed below are the members and associate members of the Centre Norbert Elias who will participate in the European Association of Social Anthropologists forthcoming conference.

Blanchard Melissa
New generations, old practices? Unravelling new migration dynamics between Argentina and Europe
Building on a fieldwork I carried out with Argentinians of Italian descent, this paper tackles the nexus between the longstanding Italian emigration towards Argentina, which is characteristic of older generations, and the current emigration of young Italian generations towards European countries.
(July 26  – Panel P077: Generating history, generating change: How generations shape times of chronic crisis)

Lucille Florenza
“Who raised the olive trees?”… and who picks them today? Monoculture, landscapes and women’s work in southern Spain
This communication explores olive harvesting practices and olive oil production. Based on ongoing ethnographic work in southern Spain, this papers examines how current olive food system contributes to making some humans more vulnerable than others, and why this impacts women disproportionately.
(July 26  – Panel P148b: Transformed landscapes, uprooted commons, cultivated hopes: plantation legacies and future possibles in contemporary food systems)

Camilo Leon Quijano (with Roger Canals)
Covenors of the double panel “Transformations in transmedia ethnography: experimentation, ethics and communing imagination”
This two-fold panel seeks to reassess the potential intersections between ethics and (visual) experimentation focusing on the idea of « communing imagination ». We encourage proposals that engage critical thinking on visual experimentation based on non-linear, multi-vocal or anti-authorative narratives.
(July 27 – P053a et P053b – As part of the Visual Anthropology Network Program)

Axelle Djama
The effects of bureaucratisation on daily police work. Insights from a Somaliland police station
Since 1993, the Somaliland Police has undergone a bureaucratisation process characterised by the growing importance of written procedures. Based on an ethnographic survey conducted in a police station, this article examines the ways in which these macro-scale changes affect daily level-street work.
(July 27  – Panel P068a: Police officers at work)

Davide Cacchioni
A law and its politico-economic aftermath. Conflicts, actors and scales in the regulation of Cannabis sativa L. in Italy
In 2016 a law proposed a general regulation for hemp production in Italy. While the law did not legalise cannabis psychotropic use, it was used to legitimise a new « cannabis light » market. The paper explores the social aftermath of the law, moving between different actors and scales of analysis.
(July 27  – Panel P156b: On public policies, lives, and social spaces: anthropological perspectives from the Mediterranean)

Aziliz Kondracki
Producing true and authentic love stories in the polish version of the globalized reality TV show Married at first sight
The globalized reality TV show Married at first sight offers an unprecedented way to get married : couples meet in front the altar. This paper will analyze how the people engaged in producing this show in Poland assert different tastes and values based on different repertoires in the purpose to build true and authentic love stories for the viewers to watch.
(July 28  – Panel P045a: What it means to be cool? Ethnographic explorations of hierarchies of taste and legitimization mechanisms in contemporary cultural consumption) 

Milana Čergić
When Lidl comes to Bosnia: conflicting imaginaries about foreign investment in retail trade
The retail trade sector in BiH is dominated by a domestic company, one of the biggest economic players in the country. This paper discusses conflicting imaginaries of foreign investment after the announcement of a the arrival of a German discounter.
(July 28  – Panel P031a: Imaginaries of foreign investment: friction and co-constitution of international financial flows and national borders [AnthEcon] I)
Milana Čergić recently defended her PhD thesis: “City of Supermarkets. An Ethnography of Retail Trade in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. 

Florence Boux
Moving to « authenticity » as a response to ecological crisis : the case of an ecovillage in France
Between utopian rural mobilities and disillusions, the creation of an ecovillage engenders some contradictions. While rural exodus appears for founders as a necessary solution to preserve the environment by developping its « authentical » self, it also generates ecological issues as tourism.
(July 28 – Panel P152: Utopian mobilities: Moving futures on and off the earth)

Manon Vialle (with Léa Linconstant)
“Reproductive hopes” unevenly affected during the Covid-19 pandemic in France
This paper examines the impact of the interruption of ART care on women involved in these medical procedures in France during the Covid-19 pandemic and shows how this situation has unevenly disturbed their “reproductive hopes”.
(July 28 – Panel P024a: Reproductive Hopes, Travels and Self-management of Care: Seeking Reproductive and Sexual Healthcare across Time and Space)
The paper presents the findings of the project: “Normes et représentations des corps féminins dans l’accès à la parenté via AMP dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19”.

Cecilia Paradiso
Global notions and local contexts: when new conservation principles enter the political fabric in Italian national parks.
From ethnographic researches based in two Italian national parks, this paper analyzes recent shifts in conservation. It will consider original negotiations around parks and what may be put in cause by approaches, such as biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and carbon trade.
(July 29 – Panel P050a: Transformations in the anthropology of conservation)
Cecilia Paradiso recently defended her PhD thesis: “An archipelago of socioecological relations. : the case of the Arcipelago de la Maddalena National Park (Sardinia). An anthropological analysis of environmental policies”.